We are building something that will change Australian Banking landscape forever. Our aim is to bring every financial institution to you and give you the freedom to choose.
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About Oogfin


Because customers are losing out in the out dated banking system. At Oogfin, we bring banking freedom to everyone to deliver maximum benefit of their hard earned cash.

Oogfin is founded by customers for customers. Our founder saw a discount between the customer and the banking system. Disadvantaging consumers but profit maxing for the banks. Together a team of same minded individuals came together to make a difference.


Been independent and only loyal to our customers. Challenging the old system, breaking road blocks and delivering innovative services.

Join Us

Join us to be part of the change. You will be updated on our journey, receive information about Oogfin and most importantly we need your help to grow.
We'll never share your email with anyone else.
Join us to be part of the change. You will be updated on our journey, receive information about Oogfin and most importantly we need your help to grow.
We'll never share your email with anyone else.

Contact Us

  • Address: abc
  • Phone: 123456789
  • Email: sales@oogfin.com
  • Twitter: abc
  • Wechat: abc